MISO’s work related paper (Joint Computation and Communication Resource Allocation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle NOMA Systems) has been awarded the best paper award at #IEEE CAMAD 2023 -IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks.

In the 2nd photo: MISO’s participant Vishal Sharma present MISO’s work related paper at #IEEE CAMAD 2023 on behalf of QUB-NILU’s co-authors (Tan Do-Duy, Dang V. Huynh, Emi Garcia-Palacios, Tuan-Vu Cao, Vishal Sharma, Trung Q. Duong) and receive the best paper award from Prof Berk Canberk and Prof Luca Foschini.
The work has been implemented at QUB-Queen’s University Belfast, a core member of MISO project within MISO project framework.